瓦房店瑞凯精密轴承公司,重大新闻!轩逸精密轴承2012年突破性创新!打破中国人好轴承需进口的理念,完美替代美国TIMKEN、日本NSK、瑞典SKF、德国FAG、等进口品牌轴承,进口的质量,国产的价格,带给广大机械设备顾客,广泛的认同与赞美,P4+P5+P6高级别精密轴承,于普通轴承寿命增加了5-7倍之多,高端的精磨机床,贝氏体淬火工艺,完美替代进口轴承。欢迎国内外新老顾客,前来探讨咨询,开发高端新型轴承。联络电话0635-2665626 移动电话15275821636 邮箱:729749179@qq.com
Wafangdian city rui kai precision bearing company, big news! Sylphy precision bearing 2012 breakthrough innovation! Break the Chinese bearing need to import the idea of good, perfect alternative to the United States TIMKEN, Japan NSK, Sweden SKF, Germany FAG, import brands such as bearings, the quality of imports, domestic prices, to the general mechanical equipment customers, a wide range of recognition and praise, P4 + P5 + P6 high level precision bearing, in ordinary bearing life increased by 5 to 7 times as much, high-end fine grinding machine tool, bainite hardening process, perfect replace imported bearings. Welcome new and old customers at home and abroad, to discuss consultation, to develop high-end new type of bearing. Contact telephone 0635-2665626 mobile phone 15275821636 E-mail: 729749179 @qq.com